Monday, September 03, 2007


End of July...

A bowl I made with some other military wives...
(take notice of my long boring hair here...)

Nolan and Sandi studying for IFS

Nolan's First Solo Flight on August 8th
Milton, Florida

Laying on the couch with Sandi...
I spent a good two weeks in August doing just this...
After a horrible trip to the dentist!

The dentist knew I had TMJ, but still scheduled a 2 hour fillings session!
I had no idea that my TMJ would be as bad/worse than the day I fell of the horse 9 years ago!
Thank God for Naval Medicine...

I made at least 3 trips to the clinic to see a doctor (in about 6 days) and was given various over the counter meds and (eventually) controlled substances to manage my pain... and one trip to the ER for a shot of pain meds.. all paid for by the expense of my husband's military service
(but nothing out of pocket!)
I finally got in to see my dentist on her day off and she made me an NTI
In some ways I guess it was a blessing in disguise... I was having LOTS of headaches before this dentist incident and this NTI was made for headache relief, as well as to help with TMJ... I am excited to say that I have had VERY few headaches since I began wearing the NTI at night... :-)!

Nolan's Osprey Model!
Nolan has taken up a new/old hobby!
This was his first one - now he is on to #3!
Very cool! :-)

Paige is now the Big 2 - 5 !

Because of all of my jaw pain, my birthday outing almost didn't take place! So very glad I started feeling better!

For my birthday, Nolan SURPRISED me with a day at the Day Spa with my best girl friend, Angela!

We got a pedicure, an hour massage, and I got a (somewhat) real hair cut!!
(which I had been telling Nolan I just couldn't find time to go get)
(we also get to go back for a facial, they just didn't have any more appointments)

my toes!

hair in the making!

Ta Da!
(as Madi says when she is done with something)

AND my final surprise...
Dinner with the Butler's! at Tri Fratella
Thanks Guys!

Madi enjoying the ice cream cake! :-)
It was so good, that after we ate my birthday cake, Nolan went back to DQ and got us another one! :-)

I now have the coolest Texas A&M purse!
Thanks Angela for making it for me!

What a Happy 25th Birthday it was! :-)