Wednesday, July 28, 2010

18 week appt., etc...

Today was our 18 week appointment; I am actually 18 weeks, 3 days now. Almost halfway there! 12 days til our second and last (sad face :( ) ultrasound, but yay for Naval Medicine! :-) The midwife seemed pretty certain that they would be able to find out whether we have a boy or a girl! Whoop! Can't wait!!!

Nolan was able to come with me today - YAY! And, although we only got to listen to the baby's heartbeat, roughly 160 she said, got some general questions I had answered, as well as had blood drawn for the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test which screens for Down's Syndrome, it was great to have Nolan there! :-) Nolan had not heard its heartbeat since our first appointment (at 7 weeks and 4 days). It was somewhat funny that the midwife was able to find it right away, then the baby was "on the move" and started avoiding the monitor so it took a minute to find it again! I guess it doesn't like be pushed on... haha

Nolan's squadron has been great in making it possible for him to go with me to my appointments... Now don't get me wrong, Nolan doesn't get a free morning, he usually brings something to work on while we wait, which works for everyone!
(He will be headed to West Point, NY for a few days in the near future.... so he was working on routes and such for that)

This may seem silly, but I was super nervous/excited to see how my weight had changed... I am more than happy to gain weight to make sure we have a healthy baby, but at a steady/reasonable rate, of course! I am elated that I am now at 145, I was 142 at 6 weeks, so they say I am right on target; they recommend about 1/2 - 1 pound a month (thus far - 20 weeks = gain of 5 pounds). I really haven't increased how much I eat, although I am trying to get more fruits/veggies than before. I have been walking with Sandi (and sometimes Nolan too) 3-4 times a week for 20-25 minutes, so I plan on keeping that up for the next 5 months... :-)

Of course, my blood pressure was a tiny bit high, but I have been checking it at home and it hasn't been high, so the midwife recommended that at my next appt, at 22 weeks, that I request to sit for 5 minutes before they take it... (since there are a lot of women who end up undergoing further testing when their BP is too high, although they weren't really stroking out.) I have pretty much always had elevated blood pressure at the Naval Hospitals, I think I suffer from "white coat syndrome." haha I will continue to keep an eye on it at home, since my mom did have preeclampsia...

I don't know that I can "feel" the baby yet, or maybe I just don't know what I'm feeling; I should in the next couple of weeks though, so that will be interesting. :-)

We are headed to California, then to Seattle, the third week of August, so I am a bit nervous about such a long flight to the other coast, but the midwife assured me I would be fine, as long as I kept hydrated and got up to walk around often. Nolan is headed to CA for a work related conference and we figured since he will be gone quite a bit in September that I would join him and celebrate my 28th birthday in CA/WA! :-)

Check back August 9th! :-) SO VERY EXCITED! ;-)

Sunday, July 25, 2010


16 weeks ................................................... 18 weeks

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quick Update

Nolan took some much needed leave the week before last.. He is pretty much working 6 days a week lately, so it was very nice to have some time at home! :-)

We did a bit of cleaning/rearranging in the house to empty the baby's room... we are getting there.. slowly but surely! We are down to an old tv, tv stand, lots of boxes (for our February move) and a treadmill....
We also visited Medieval Times down in Myrtle Beach... always a good time! We found a PF Chang's to eat lunch at as well... Jacksonville just doesn't have any good places to eat, so anytime we leave town we are looking for our favorite places! We were surprised by how quickly we were able to get down to South Carolina, so instead of staying the night we just drove home to sleep in our own bed. I was hoping to find some Blue Bell ice cream, but it seems we weren't far south enough for that... oh well. I am also really looking forward to visiting Texas to eat some good Texas BBQ! I have been craving that for a few months now....

As of Sunday, I will have made it to 18 weeks and I think between week 16 and 18, the baby has really started to pop out! Maybe it's the maternity shirt and pants that seem to help make it more obvious, but I definitely can't "suck in" anymore
! Nolan even mentioned last weekend that he could start to tell now ;-) YAY!! I will get Nolan to take a picture on Sunday to post, to see if anyone else can start to really tell....

This past week was VBS at the base Chapel, where we attend church services each week. I was the "going into Kindergarten" teacher and what a great experience that was! Monday was a bit rough, I have never "taught" that age group, but by the end of the week, I was sad to see my kids go! :-) I haven't taught or helped out with VBS since Virginia in 2006 and I am so glad I was able to do so this past week.

Nolan had to go into work today to do some simulators (all pilots in the squadron did) and there was extra SIM time in the afternoon, so Nolan took me! We flew around for a bit, but after about 30 minutes I was unfortunately nauseated... Boo Hiss!!! It made me really glad that around week 16 I was done with being sick... until today... Thankfully by the end of the day I was feeling better!

Oh and the countdown has begun....
15 days til we fingers crossed find out if we will be having a boy or girl! :) I sure hope he/she is willing to give us a good look!

Picture tomorrow!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

4 months!

4-5 weeks ..................... 12 weeks ................................ 16 weeks

And this cartoon really seems to sum it up for me.... LOL

Wednesday, July 07, 2010


Today I was able to make our "anatomy scan" ultrasound appointment..... so if the baby cooperates we should be able to find out if we are having a boy or a girl on August 9th!

I will be 16 weeks (4 months I suppose) on Sunday, so I will have Nolan take another picture and see if I have "grown" any... that you could tell from a photo.... check back next week!

Thursday, July 01, 2010

Promotion to Captain!

Congratulations Nolan!!

July 1, 2010
Me and Lt. Col. Nelms pinning on the Captain bars that Dr. Andrews had given Nolan...
yes, I have a bit of a baby bump... although I don't feel like it really is THAT big...

The citation

Dairy Queen cake!
It has turned into somewhat of a tradition now...
I got the first one back when Nolan went from 204 to 263... it was a hit!


The Osprey

There is a bit of a glare on the plexi-glass, but this is Nolan's map of the east coast that he pieced together and posted for all to use when planning flights... I think it is super cool!
If you look closely you can see the different colored routes and such!