Thursday, October 07, 2010

28 weeks (and 4 days) photo!

4-5 weeks ................................................... almost 29 weeks
..................................................... measuring 33 weeks (maybe 34 now)

Well, here I am!

Since I am (and have been for a month now) measuring 5 weeks ahead of
schedule I/we can't wait til Wednesday to find out what is going on in there!!! :-)

Yesterday, was my oh so fun gestational diabetes test.... I must say the o
range drink wasn't too bad. I did the 1 hour test, if I failed it (which I didn't hear from them today, so I think I am good) I will have to do a 3 hour test...

Today, Nolan and I worked a bit on the nursery... since we JUST might be havin
g this baby in 6 weeks instead of 11 weeks.... moving the last few things (a treadmill and tv/tv stand) out! We planned to get the crib and bassinet together, but I went to help a friend make a diaper cake and then to a squadron spouses' meeting, so we hope to do that tomorrow/this weekend.

Nolan also put together the stroller frame today, so we are stroller ready! :-) The car seat just snaps into this frame. :-)

We also purchased this baby bag with a gift card that my friend, Annan, sent! :-)

Lastly, last night was our first Lamaze/Childbirth Education class.... it was quite informative for both of us!

1 comment:

Erin said...

Looking great, mommy! I got the same diaper bag and love it so I know you will, too. Hopefully there's some stock in your 'measuring ahead' business. I measured 3 weeks ahead the whole time and ended up going past my due date and needing to be induced! So excited for you guys. You're going to be great parents.