So... first, pictures of our super cute son and then to the details of the visit!

The other photos are: 3 profiles that are VERY similar to the first picture and another picture that proves he is still all boy! ;-)
I had a very crazy dream a few nights ago that the hospital tried to give me a baby girl and I was so confused and upset because I just knew that couldn't be right after thinking we were having a boy for all this time! LOL I shared this with the ultrasound tech when she found this part of his body, so I suppose she gave me that picture to reassure me that he is still a "he." haha
As for the visit, the tech first measured all of the pockets of amniotic fluid and share the number 33 with me. Apparently that number was 31.9 last Monday, so an increase of 1.1 in amniotic fluid.
Since this is the first time I have been given a "number" I did a little researching to find out that it relates to amniotic fluid index (AFI), which I had a come across in my polyhydramnios research, but I never had a number to compare myself with averages and such...
"If an AFI shows a fluid level of more than 25 centimeters (or above the 95th percentile)... then a diagnosis of polyhydramnios would be made. About 1-2% of pregnant women have too much amniotic fluid. Most of these cases are mild, with only slightly elevated levels." LINK
I also found that a normal range is between 8 and 18, with 12 being average...
Baby Dean and my body continue to "over-achieve" (as Nolan says) and are rocking 33, so let's just hope my body keeps managing the over-achieving and maybe even slows down a bit!
They will want to begin removing some of the excess fluid once I reach 50, however if I continue at a rate of about 1 for the next say 7 1/2 weeks (which will take us to 40 weeks) thankfully, at this rate, I should only get to 40-ish.
The tech spent the majority of the rest of the time trying to get a good look at that fourth part of Baby Dean's heart that they were having trouble seeing last week... She was successful in getting enough information for the specialist to say that the fourth part, the right atrium, looks good, however it is a bit larger than the left, which is likely due to all of this extra fluid. I asked the specialist what that means for him at birth, when he is no longer in all this fluid... she assured me he would be fine. She mentioned that the Pediatric Cardiologist will likely see no problem with this slight difference, however he will likely want to see Baby Dean when he is roughly a month old to be certain that all has worked itself out.
As if the 4D pictures weren't awesome enough, the tech also pointed out that Baby Dean was breathing and we watched his chest go up and down a few times - simply amazing!
All of the information from the specialist visit will be sent to the Naval Hospital OBs to keep them in the loop... Non stress tests at the Naval Hospital should start soon... Also, she is recommending they check my cervix (ahh - fun times! ;-) ) on Friday just to see if anything is going on (that I am unaware of) due to all this fluid.
The specialist and the tech, (different ones from last week) both, seemed quite surprised that I was feeling okay and not having trouble breathing so that must be a blessing I didn't even know about - since there seems to be so much shock that I am feeling good! :-) My proof to myself is that I can still tie my own tennis shoes! ;-)
There was also mention of inducing at 37 - 39 weeks, however it is still too early to make any decisions, because quite honestly there are so many variables that can still change at this point... so we will just keep looking one week at a time. :-)
I will go back to the specialist next week, (hopefully Nolan can come!) which will put me on a rotation of either seeing the specialist or the OB at the Naval Hospital each week.... for now...
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