Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Pictures of/from Nolan!

Last picture at the squadron before deploying... briefing the flight to the Bataan...
Nolan with fellow pilot, A. Bankston (anniversary is also June 10 and they got married in Texas!)

I just thought this was a cool picture... It is the Osprey, all folded up on the flight deck

Picture posted on the squadron website... Nolan, working hard!
April 2011
Still hard at work!
Not Nolan flying, but it is his aircraft, the Osprey, shooting an approach (landing) to the ship, that I thought was really cool!
45 days at sea = 2 beers at a Steel Beach Party
Nolan had 2 MGDs since the Heineken had run out...
( heavily managed by the Navy )  Photo from the squadron FB page
Nolan and Rob (his only roommate) which is a sweet deal for a Captain!
He had 2 other roommates who fly skids (cobras/hueys) and they went to another ship! :-)
Another photo from the FB page.... :-)

Pictures that Nolan sent me...
He is sending me the card from his camera, so whenever I get it, I will be able to share more! :-)  
Underway Replenishment... they get food, supplies, some mail, etc.
I say some mail, because mail also goes to land and they go pick it up!
Literally fill the back of an Osprey FULL! :-)

Things come across from one ship to another on those lines...


Folded up Ospreys on the flight deck

Going through the Straits of Gibraltar on Easter Sunday morning... this is the Spain? side...

Nolan and ancient ruins

The Osprey at NAS Siganella
Because Nolan has his global capable cell phone, he is able to call and text me (and Liam) when ever he flies to any land!
So very glad that we have that luxury!

Other aircraft at the airport

Statue garden

Too funny!

The butt is to the bottom right!

Local art...
we almost got a three legged face... maybe next time! ;-)

I believe The Dean Family is the proud new owner of the vase on the left? and a plate from above?

I think we are owners of a blue and yellow sun too! :-)
I thought it was an EGA... maybe a hand granade? haha Not so much! haha

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