Thursday, September 07, 2006


Last week we found out what happens when you wash camis with an entire,
opened bag of sunflower seeds in them... seeds end up EVERYWHERE when you go to take everything out of the washer!
That's Nolan to the left getting the vacuum cleaner to suck all the seeds out of the washer!
So very funny! :)

And now...

What can happen when a tropical storm rains on your car for 4 days and SOME part of the back of the car isn't tightly sealed!!! :)

This is the place for the spare tire in the back of the Neon... filled with water...

this picture was taken AFTER I had soaked up as much as I could with a towel...

Once you take out the spare tire... you can lift up the carpet!
Under the carpet... still a good inch of water!

The back seats and back floor boards got a nice bath as well, so...

The Neon continues to sun bathe this afternoon, until I head for work! :-)

Never a dull moment! :-)

1 comment:

Amy said...

Note to self: Always check Will's pockets for seeds.

Somehow this post seemed almost prophetic to me. I am storing this info away in my head, and hopefully I won't have that same situation to blog about.

Oh, and I'm glad to see that Nolan was the one getting the vaccuum!