Friday, October 20, 2006

Pumpkin Pickin' in Virginia

We began our afternoon of fun with a huge bag of homemade Kettle Corn! YUM!

While we waited for my friend Nicole and her husband, Luke, who is in Nolan's Company at TBS, I took a ride on the zip line that one of my students, at Huntington, had told me about!YaY FuN! :-)


Photo opt mid searching for THE perfect pumpkins!

After much searching...
Nolan and Paige with their perfect pumpkins!

(There were a lot of pumpkins lined up on the road between fields... we weren't sure if those had been claimed, but we decided if you weren't holding it, it wasn't yours! haha )

On the hay ride back from the pumpkin patch...
Can't you tell... Nolan is just THRILLED with our finds and to be with me, of course!! hehe

One of many round hay bales in the parking lot...
Mom and Tim definitely need to make one of these! ;-)

Last, but not least, the MAIZE MAZE!

View of the maze from a bridge

Nolan with the map...
(too bad the mailboxes with the next piece(s) to the maze were no where to be found!)

Paige with the "if you get totally lost, STOP, raise and wave this and we'll come get you" flag we had to carry! haha :-) No... we didn't get THAT lost, just made a few wrong turns along the way... kept things interesting! :-)
(It was interesting to find out how stinkin' cold it was in the maze!)

1 comment:

Amy said...

FUN! Love the huge flag...There's a haunted forest here on base, but it's supposed to be really scary - I'd go if they gave me a huge flag to wave if I was too scared and needed to get out!!! Ha!