Thursday, October 26, 2006

Whoop for (more) Work for Paige!
I just got a call to be the sub, for the aide to the teacher I subbed for yesterday, for the next two weeks!!! I AM ESTATIC!!!

Today (Thursday, Oct 26) I subbed on base, Dept of Defense School, for the first time, and it was GREAT! I subbed for a content mastery co-teach teacher for grades K - 3 (that's not what they called it, but my Jane Long friends will understand) Believe it or not, co-teach works/worked! I kept my two to three students on task while they worked and everyone in the classroom got their work done! Amazing!
On top of a good experience with the students, the staff was so very welcoming and helpful! One volunteered, first thing, to take me on a quick tour of the building.. Then soon after getting settled in my room, 22, THE PRINCIPAL came by to welcome me and see if I had all the lesson plans and such that I needed!!! INSANE! Mid-morning, the aide who gave me the tour, mentioned there would be an aide opening in January if I was interested!? Interested? YES! Too bad we will move then... I'll just have to see what the next duty station holds!! :-)
It was early release today, so I have some free time before I head to Huntington!

Just had to share how excited I am about being back in the classroom! :-) Proof that good things come to those who are patient!

Nolan has been learning about machine guns and such this week... He did great on the application part of the test and only missed 2 of 50 on the written test! Whoop!

We also celebrated his 23rd birthday on Tuesday!!

The castle cake I made (pre-icing)

Happy Birthday Nolan!

My knight in shining chainmail and helmet, holding his battle axe and castle cake!
(a few other pictures won't upload right now, I'll try later)

This weekend Nolan's company will be helping with the start/finish line at Marine Corps Marathon in DC. Bright and early Monday morning he starts FEX III, which will last until Friday! It's pretty chilly here now, so hopefully they all stay warm! Pretty much from here on out, Nolan will have a week at home (to sleep and do homework, between the hours of 7-8pm and 4-5am) followed by a week in the field... He will be busy, but January 11th, graduation day, is getting closer!! :-) Whoop!

Until next time.... :-)

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