Tuesday, July 17, 2007


Where to begin?

Nolan is no longer an NFO, he will be training in Milton to be a PILOT! WHOOP! I can't be more proud! Nolan has worked really hard to earn this pilot spot!
The downside is that I have a 6th grade math teaching job here in Pensacola; Milton is about an hour commute, one way... and I wasn't able to find a position in the county that Milton is located in... so Nolan will be commuting each day... It has been a decision that we have thought long and hard about... looking at our different options to see what would work best for us and staying put is overall the best choice, for now.

Nolan started IFS (the ground school part) this week... so he should start flying soon!
(You might recall that he did IFS in Virginia, those last two months we were there, but that was as an NFO, so now he's doing IFS as a pilot!)

Nolan is also working on two of the six parts of EWS - Expeditionary Warfare School. EWS is one of the requirements to become promoted to Major (which is many years down the road, but it's good to get an early start
;-) ) We will eventually head back to Virginia to complete the remaining four sections of this course.

I've decided I'm going to somewhat copy an idea I got from another blog...
keeping track of the things that Sandi tears up/destroys each week!

So I'll start with last week, because it's just too funny not to mention!
We were chosen to do a TV journal for Neilson Ratings (we got paid $30 cash!) so we were given two journals, since we have two tvs. Sandi got a hold of the one journal we were actually using, a total of three or four times, before she DESTROYED it! (Obviously we didn't learn that putting it BACK on the coffee table wasn't a good idea
!) With the journal, of course was a pen. Did she destroy those too? Oh yes, three black pens, which she wore on her tongue one day when the pen exploded in her mouth! haha But the best writing utensil that she has found was a red permanent marker, which she proceeded to color on her bed with, before it too exploded on her... so she had a pink tint to her paws and chest! Never a dull moment!

This week her victims have been:
a wooden pencil (thanks to mr. silver piece and the eraser, I could figure out what it was!)
the roll of red duct tape that I was using to make my student's white boards
she hasn't destoyed, but loves to mouth my green crocs too! :-(

Now that Sandi has taught US to completely clear off our coffee table, you can see she was still up to no good in the picture below! Of course, instead of immediately getting her down, I go for the camera so I can show Nolan! haha

Who is to blame for this behavior?
Guilty as charged! I love having Sandi in my lap!
Even if she is 26 pounds and still growing! ;-)

We have really become FANS of eBay lately and our most recent purchases have earned us a Yellow Star Achievement Award! What have we been buying?
Well... Nolan has re-started his childhood hobby of model making... so of course we needed an airbrush to paint the models he is building! I am of course thinking of ways to use Nolan's new gadget too!
I LOVE looking for/finding school/teacher supplies at really cheap prices - lately dry erase markers, so my students can use the whiteboards that we made!

I'm almost done with my second summer course... only 2 more weeks! YAY! I earned an 'A' in the other, so I am hoping for the same outcome! I will have a 3 week break before I start my next two classes at the end of August.

Looking forward to getting back in the classroom soon ~ teachers go back on August 9th and the students come August 20th.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer! Keep in touch!

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