Friday, June 19, 2009

Concert Pics

The stage

Photographer on top of an old brick hanger...

Inga, me, and Laura!

JMM - if you look super close he is in a black shirt and hat holding a very light colored guitar...

This was quite the event - nothing like what Nolan and I attended 2 years ago!
We girls had a very nice time; we all knew many of the songs that he played! I was a bit disappointed in the beginning with the sound -it sounded like his mic was cutting in and out AND he had forgotten how he had recorded his songs... I guess it has been since the mid-90s though...

Listen and tell me if you think he's a little off...
especially at the end the mic cuts off and the tempo? seems different...

Still, overall a great free outing with great friends! :)

And sadly Nolan didn't get his flight in... so we are praying that in the next 6-7 days max that he will be able to complete his last 4 NVG flights so he can still wing on 2 July!

1 comment:

Together We Save said...

Good lucj getting the flights in and looks like a fun time at the concert.