Thursday, June 18, 2009

Free Concert Tonight!


Nolan, sadly, will not be able to join me, as he will hopefully (fingers crossed) be completing 1 of his 4 remaining NVG flights!

So.... I am going with my friends, Inga and Laura, and will possibly be m
eeting up with a few others, down to NAS Pensacola in about a half hour!

CAT COUNTRY 98.7 Radio Station here in P-cola in cooperation with MWR are hosting this FREE event! CAT COUNTRY is and has been VERY supportive of the military since we have lived here! Love them!
Nolan and I went 2 years ago to this event (it was a lot smaller then - no tickets were needed) - when we lived on NAS Pensacola and it was so nice to walk over and hang out under the stars and listen to (at the time) artists we really hadn't heard of... and chat with the people we were sitting around... and of course - people watch! :-)
Being that I grew up singing along to John Michael Montgomery I think it will be even more fun! :-)

Come back for pictures! ;-)

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