Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Latest info

On Saturday morning I noticed my feet swelling (from the night before) had not gone down, so I thought I should maybe check my blood pressure... it was up! It ran about 138/87 over the weekend and into Monday if I was up and about and even sometimes just sitting on the couch could elevate it. The only way to get it down was to be lying down, so that is how I spent Saturday, Sunday and Monday. I also felt like Baby Dean had "dropped" on Saturday and was clued into what Braxton Hicks contractions felt like... my belly becoming a rock!

I contacted my specialist on Monday and her nurse advised modified bed rest until my Wednesday appointment with the specialist.... basically what I had done all weekend; laid down as much as possible, but still got up to do some things...

Now today, Tuesday, I went in for my weekly non stress test on Baby Dean and of course my blood pressure is FINE! White coat syndrome - now in reverse!
However, they did pick up a contraction (that I was well aware of, however wasn't painful) that lasted 8 minutes! CRAZY! So with that the tech brought in an obstetrician to chat with me, which is JUST what I was wanting since my next Naval Hospital appointment isn't until December 2 (the day they plan to set up my induction). The doctor began by telling me that if the baby was born now he would do quite well - his lung development at this point is such that I wouldn't need a shot to help him develop quickly and that the Naval Hospital would be able to take care of him there. It seems my uterus, which is very stressed at this point, due to all the amniotic fluid (which seems to be back up to 33 from 24 last week) is starting to get ready for delivery.

To the specialist we go tomorrow! Nolan is able to go with me so that is awesome! :-)

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