Thursday, November 25, 2010

T-minus 10 days...?

Our maternal fetal specialist appointment yesterday went great! I am feeling much better about being so very high risk and nearing the end of this pregnancy. I am also extremely grateful that we now have a tentative plan... WHOOP! :-)

And here it is! ;-)

On December 2nd, at my Naval Hospital appointment, we will be scheduling an amniocentesis/possible induction for the week of Dec 5th. (what day exactly will depend on Naval Hospital availability for doing the amnio - not something they do too often at the Naval Hospital - I called and asked! haha)

The amniocentesis (which could bring on labor/other complications) is being recommended by the specialist to determine if Baby Dean's lungs are developed "enough" and if they are, they will induce labor and we will have a baby! :-)

If his lungs are not mature enough, I will be admitted to the hospital and stay until his lungs develop a bit more or until he decides to come on his own!

Although by doing an amnio/inducing they are trying to reduce the risks for Baby Dean and me, both procedures, as well as labor and delivery with polyhydramnios (all this extra fluid) still involve many risks... therefore, please continue to pray that all goes well and that we will never lose sight that God is in control! :-) And of course for Nolan who is and has been the most amazing support I could ask for through this not so normal pregnancy. Thanks!!! :-)

On a side note - my blood pressure has been much better over the past 3 days... I have been taking it a bit easy and I think that has helped! :-) YAY!! Also, based on his measurements, they believe Baby Dean weighs about 6 pounds! :-) Hopefully he will gain at least an ounce a day (the statistic) from now until he is born and he will weigh almost 7 pounds at birth! :-)

Looking forward to December 2nd to find out what day exactly we might be meeting Baby Dean!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love it - beautiful smile, and way to make it to 9 months! I'm so excited for you guys!