Wednesday, November 10, 2010

More pictures!

Wow! Yes, there are more pictures of Baby Dean to share...

It is pretty crazy to think that when we first got pregnant we expected, but were kind of sad, that we would only see this baby two times before it was born: 1) to confirm we were pregnant and 2) around 20 weeks for the anatomy/gender scan....

Here we are with tons of ultrasounds and ultrasound pictures! I suppose they gave me some since Nolan wasn't able to come to the appointment and for that I am grateful! :-)

This last one makes the right side of his check look really funny to me, but it is still a cute picture!

The appointment with the specialist wasn't too eventful, but informative. :-)

They are looking forward to hearing what the pediatric cardiologist, Dr. Milazzo thinks about his heart... we will see him on Friday afternoon.

My blood pressure was 120/81, "textbook perfect" the nurse mentioned, and that I was carrying the 33cm of fluid very well! :-) That is always nice to hear. I feel good, but that makes me feel even better!

The ultrasound tech again had a hard time seeing the parts of his heart that they like to check on, but I suppose she got as many pictures as she could. I asked her if his right atrium looked a bit larger than the left and she didn't think so, but of course stated the doctor would have the final say.

Based on his measurements Baby Dean is weighing 5 pounds 2 ounces, meaning he gained almost 1 full pound in the past two weeks - they would like to see him gain about 1/2 pound each week, so he is doing well in that respect. The ultrasound tech stated that based on his current weight and gestational age he is in the 60th percentile. :-)

She also measured the fluid around the baby and came up with 32 cm. Last Friday they measured it as 31 something and two weeks ago they measured it as 33, so it seems that it has stabilized - GREAT NEWS!

Looking forward to sharing more great news on Friday!

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