Monday, January 03, 2011

First Day!

Well, I survived my first full day (24 hours alone) as a "Mommy"! YAY! :-)

Nolan headed back to work today.. boo! It has been so wonderful having him home; he is extremely helpful and simply amazing with Liam!

The night shift last night was pretty crazy, Liam decided that after his 9:30pm feeding, instead of heading back to sleep after being awake for an hour or so, that he would stay up and fuss until well after 12:45am... Who knew that could be so exhausting! haha He ate almost double his usual feeding over this period of awake time, so maybe he is doing some growing at night now...
Thankfully once he fell soundly asleep, we were able to sleep for a few hours, until he woke up again around 4am and oddly enough, this time he did fall back asleep relatively quickly and stayed asleep until after 8am! This was awesome and perfect for me, because I was able to pump and take a shower while he continued sleeping! :-) I woke him up a little after 8am, as we needed to be heading out the door around 8:50 or so to go to Morehead City, a town that is a little over an hour away.
Today was Liam's appointment with Dr. Moorehead in Morehead City, to have his tongue clipped. Liam slept the entire way there and back! The procedure seemed to go very well. They swaddled him up and tipped him somewhat upside down so the doctor could see into his mouth. He fussed a bit, and kept biting down on the doctor's finger (he wasn't a fan of her trying to lift up his tongue). Within about 5 minutes, he was done! No more extremely attached tongue to the bottom of his mouth. He did bleed a bit, but was willing to suck on my finger immediately after. :-) The doctor said he would have to relearn a bit, on how to suck effectively, and to help that, when we put a finger in his mouth, to push the nail side down to get him to curl his newly freed tongue to wrap around our finger.
On the way back, we stopped at my friend Laura's house, to meet her/it was time for Liam to eat and Liam provided loads of entertainment! As soon as I took him out of the car seat he destroyed his diaper AND his onesie - his first poop explosion that had poo all up the back side of him! haha He was pretty upset about being stripped down and changed while he was so hungry, but he survived! Once he was cleaned up and fed, he finally was willing to show Laura how cute and cuddly he is; too bad I was so exhausted that we didn't stay too much longer... :-( When we arrived home, I pumped and we both took a great hour and a half nap! We woke up just in time to get dinner going - yay! While I put dinner together I "wore" him in this thing called a BabyHawk and he really seemed to like it; he had just eaten was still awake, but soon passed out! Around an hour later, we were happy to see Nolan, who was happy to see we had had a good day! Nolan immediately noticed the difference in Liam's tongue (I'll get a picture soon). He said he hadn't realize how attached it was, but could definitely tell it wasn't anymore! :-)

Overall a busy, yet successful day for all of us! :-)

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