Sunday, January 02, 2011

Life with Liam..

Liam is such a joy... particularly during the day... at the moment. ;-)

We are so blessed that during the day he is a very happy baby! :-) When he wakes up, he is ready to eat! :-) We have learned that if we are going to wake him up to eat, which we often times have to do, we should have the bottle warmed and ready to be consumed! He is not a fan of waiting around, once he is awake!
He will suck on your finger while he waits, (he won't take a pacifier) but not for too long! He is a peeing champ - although we should have know this already - seeing as how much amniotic fluid I was carrying around! He has successfully peed on Nolan, myself, the wall behind the changing table, and of course all down the front of the changing table. All of these instances were before we made sure to ALWAYS be covering the fire hose that can soak! ;-) Notice I say ALWAYS, because just when you think, "well he has a wet diaper, he should be good," he will show you otherwise! haha After he eats, he has more recently been staying awake, content and looking around, for about an hour. Other feedings he is barely willing to wake up just enough to eat and then is back asleep right away... (wish we could be like this at night ;-) ) He seems to sleep quite soundly, Nolan and I try to be somewhat quiet, so as to not wake him up, but without fail we seem to end up banging things around and still not waking him up! :-) About 30 minutes prior to when he is ready to eat again, he will make a lot of stirring and cooing sounds.

On the other hand, we really feel bad for him during the night, which is when we think he has been working on his bowel movements, because he will flail his arms and legs, get red in the face and cry! It really is a helpless feeling because there doesn't seem to be much we know to do for him. These episodes come and go randomly, so when they come we find ourselves positioning him in all different ways to try to help him pass the gas/work his food through his digestive system.
We are looking forward to our 2 week appointment, which is on Friday, to see if there is anything he can take/we can do to help these nighttime episodes. The doctor had previously mentioned the Mylicon, which seemed to help at first, but not so much anymore; maybe we were just wishful thinking!

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