The slide show I made pretty much sums up failed induction number 1, and I suppose failed induction number 2, as we had to have a c-section to get Liam out... but the c-section went well in that we got him out safely! :-)
Induction number 2 was much more eventful than induction number 1. Although I wasn't able to have a natural delivery I am grateful to have been able to have the experience of my water breaking, breathing through contractions with the most awesome labor coach, in various positions, as well as having an epidural put in. It was also eventful in the fact that poor Nolan had bad Mexican food the night before and spent the morning and afternoon prior to the evening of Liam's birth being extremely sick, vomiting sick. The nurses were talking about wanting to give him an IV, but didn't since he wasn't an admitted patient. I am so very thankful, however, that he was able to support me through the entire labor, while feeling so ill himself.
The c-section itself was a pretty interesting, I could feel my toes the entire time; I kept telling them this, because I thought that seemed odd, but they weren't concerned. :-)
As Liam was crooked and stuck in the birth canal, he had to be suctioned up and out and my discharge paperwork states that 3 liters of fluid was also removed. This is wild to me because my water had broken (and continued to leak out) over 9 hours prior, so I can only imagine how much fluid I had overall. Liam also suffered a cephalohematoma and facial bruising due to the crookedness in the birth canal, but he amazed the doctors and nurses by having stellar bilirubin levels throughout our stay in the hospital (it was 3.7) and at his 2 day appointment (it was 1.7) I lost quite a bit of blood during the surgery, so I was told, so I was pumped with a bunch of meds to help with that - I recall getting a shot in each arm! Nolan came to visit me in recovery and although he didn't tell me at the time (thankfully) he said I was green! haha
I won't lie, the c-section recovery was especially rough for the first 48 hours, but thankfully, just as my doctor said, things got tremendously better and continue to get better each day. I am still recovering, I suppose I have at least another 4 weeks of healing, but I am grateful that I feel like I am getting back to my old self, for the most part. The painful swelling I had in my legs and feet has gone away in the past day or so... that is a good thing! My belly continues to go down a little each day, also a good thing.
Liam was born on Sunday night and before he was 24 hours old he was taken to be circumcised. After a few hours of him being gone, they came to tell us that his saturation levels had decreased while they were watching him (after the procedure) and for that reason, he would be headed to the nursery to be checked out. We of course wanted to go be with him, however we had to get our one "flighty" nurse to come saline lock my IV, as well as take out my catheder. With a little bit of, I need to go see my new baby and need you to have these 2 things done yesterday, I was able to encourage her along. ;-) So, less than 24 hours post-op, I was up, which was a feat, but we wanted to see Liam. When we got to him, he was doing okay, but the doctors decided to keep him another 2 hours just to make sure. We headed back to our room, and took a quick nap, before returning to Liam in the nursery, in an attempt to feed him. The lactation consultant had been paged for us, again, as Liam was having a hard time feeding. It was at this time that I/we were given a nipple shield to help Liam to latch on. (an item that we found out later on that the lactation consultants do not just pass out to anyone) Long story short, I am not sure at what point, we were told that Liam is tongue-tied - has a tight frenulum - the part that attaches your tongue to the bottom of your mouth. The is why he was having so much trouble feeding. They have explained it to us as having to take a ton of tiny licks of an ice cream cone, to accomplish the same result as someone who can take good size licks. We were encouraged to continue to try to breast feed using the nipple shield, which did seem to help, but ultimately it was still taking Liam a long time to feed and by the time he would be done he was exhausted and still hungry.
He is pretty upset in this picture, but we were all better once Mommy comforted us!
We are headed to an appointment on Monday, 1/3, to hopefully have this clipped, as he will benefit in many ways, so we have been told... breast feeding will be easier, as well as less chance for speech issues later in life. We have also been told that this procedure is done quickly and Liam will have a short recovery time - almost instantly! :-)
After a few videos, and one last pumping and feeding were discharged for home on Wednesday afternoon. We laughed as we questioned whether we really wanted to put his "going home" outfit, which we had taken special care to pick out, on or not. Of course we did, but it was funny to realize that it really didn't matter as much anymore, we were just happy to finally be taking our little guy home. I walked myself out of the hospital; I was winded by the time we got to the front door, but it was so nice to get some very cool fresh air! :-)
Since after most of my appointments I would visit Chick-Fil-A, we headed there to grab a late lunch! Sandi had definitely missed us over the past 5 days! She did a pretty good job at meeting Liam, but not calmly! She was beside herself that we were back - I think that had more to do with it.
On the morning of Friday, the 24th, our friends, the O'Rourke's, brought monkey bread for breakfast and shortly after I tearfully said goodbye to my mom, Gram. It was hard to let her go, as she took many of the all night sessions (I would pump and then go back to bed), but we look forward to visiting with her again soon! :-)
Liam's, oh so very helpful, 2 day appointment in the afternoon of the 24th. We were so glad to have this standard appointment, because it had given us just enough time to make a list of things we weren't sure about. We were joyful to learn that he HAD gained weight, just like we hoped! He was up to 6lbs 12 oz. meaning he gained 4 ounces in 2 days - this was 8 times what the hospital was hoping he would gain in that amount of time!
Liam's first outing was to the Christmas Eve Service at the base chapel here on MCAS New River, where we attend church weekly. He peacefully slept through the carols and message, and met some of our church friends as well as the two chaplains.
Christmas Day was our first full day as a family of 3 without help. We enjoyed a low key unwrapping of gifts, while Liam slept. Later that afternoon we went to a girl friend of mine's house for dinner, with 2 other families that we have known for a while. We fed and changed Liam while enjoying leg of lamb and fresh ham, as well as many yummy sides. My swelling was still in full force and Liam became a bit fussy from the rather noisy environment, so after a few hours we decided to return home.
On the 26th it SNOWED here in Jacksonville! and of course on a snowy, sleety day we realized we might run out of the formula, that the hospital had given us, that very day, soooo... out into the crazy weather Nolan went to get some formula.
Of course, Wal-mart didn't have it, so he had to go to Walgreens. Liam was still soaking through his clothes and swaddlers at this point; we later heard from another mom of a boy, that it was likely the Vaseline that we were putting on his circumcision that was making his diapers less than effective. Liam also decided that he doesn't like his arms swaddled anymore - so the Sleepsack that some friends from church had given us - came in very handy!
On the evening of Monday, the 27th, Nolan's mom came to visit! It was great to have her here to meet Liam, as well as to see what Nolan has been up to (work/flying the Osprey-wise) since we moved here about 1.5 years ago.
Tuesday were newborn pictures... I am looking forward to seeing how the rest of them turned out... it was quite a 2 hours trying to get Liam back to sleep/keep him happy while being awake for such a long period of time. That afternoon Nolan and his mom went to the simulators to "fly" the Osprey; a few friends from church went too! That evening we were blessed with a "baby meal" from one of the girls in the squadron - oh how nice it is to have a hot meal brought to your house when caring for a newborn! :-)
On Wednesday morning, after reviewing the feeding/bowel movements log we have been keeping since Liam's birth, we realized that Liam had not had a bowel movement in 24 hours... we were a bit concerned, so I called the dial-a-nurse, who determined that it would be a good idea if we came in to the pediatrics clinic later that morning. A few hours later, we were packing up to go to the appointment, including putting Liam in his car seat, and of course! he pooped! We decided to keep the appointment anyway as it was green - were hoping for yellow. ;-) The appointment went well; we learned that Liam had gained another 3 ounces since his Friday, 2 day appt. The doctor recommended Mylicon gas drops, which I had purchased months ago and totally forgotten that we had them! as well as Tri-Vi-Sol, a supplement. She was also pleased that he was eating about 3 ounces per feeding, and shared with us that roughly, 2 weeks of age=eating 2 ounces, 3 weeks of age=eating 3 ounces, etc. so Liam was ahead of the game! :-)
That afternoon, Nolan went to the military office to add Liam to our insurance; this made it possible for me to make an appointment with a pediatrician for Liam's 2 week appointment. Later that day, Liam and I Skyped with my dad! That was very cool! During our Skyping session, another "baby meal" arrived - what a blessing to have a hot meal that I didn't have to prepare! :-)
Thursday - Nolan had duty at the squadron; his 10 days of paternity leave were up! So, Nolan's mom and I packed up Liam and visited the squadron for a few hours. Nolan was able to show her around and she finally got to see what Nolan flies, up close and personal! Later that evening, another "baby meal" arrived - blessed we are! :-) Nolan and his mom got her all set up to be able to Skype with us when she gets back to Seattle. Our neighbors across the street, the Thomas', came to visit Liam, as well as some friends from Nolan's squadron.
Friday morning Nolan's mom headed back to Seattle. She was a great help watching Liam so that we could sleep (a tiny bit more soundly) in the evenings/early mornings.
And that brings us to today, Saturday, January 1, 2011! It is definitely going to be an eventful year!
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