Sunday, July 10, 2011

Baby Shower = Success! :-)

We all know that Nolan and I are not ones to host much of anything... it just really isn't our gift I guess you could say, but I successfully co-hosted (although I felt like I did a whole lot more, none the less ;-) )  a baby shower for my sweet, Aggie friend, Laura, and was quite pleased that it turned out great! :-)

Hostesses with Momma to Be, Laura...
Katie, Laura, and Me
All Aggies!

*Vintage sodas from Cracker Barrel*
Someone said... "Beer at a baby shower?"
Yes... beer at a baby shower, we are THAT classy ;-)

A few decorations/gifts... :-)

Pinwheels and cupcakes!
I made the cupcakes... Katie made the pinwheels.. team effort!
Yummy spread!
I was very flattered that ALL of the artichoke spinach dip got eaten... :-)

Nolan had made it before and we had brought it to a gathering at Laura's house previously and she loved it! :-)

Slinky clothesline... better in theory...
as you can see this is a clothes(less) clothesline..

Liam headed for a nap!
All smiles behind that pacifier! :-)

It's a Boy! banner that Katie made!

The other side side
Me and Liam :-)
Staged photo of me at the shower... since I was taking all of the pictures... :-)

Ultrasound, cracker jacks and blocks decorations...

I learned from personal experience that latex helium balloons only last 8 - 10 hours...
Thus, being proactive and buying them the night before the shower = FAIL! LOL
I went back and bought more 1 hour prior to the shower! AHHH!
BUT Nolan did call on the way back, so I was able to chat with him while driving, so as to not focus so much on how big of a hurry I was in to get to the shower! :-)

Love this little guy!

Cupcakes from SCRATCH!
Inga said they would be a labor of love... they definitely were... but were delicious! :-)

Homemade icing!
Not applied with a butter knife = a first for me and FUN! :-)
Liam does this often... too cute!

Liam with friend, Lucy
Liam almost 7 months
Lucy almost 1 year
Aren't they cute!?

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