At this house we are realizing the value of having more than one toilet! Especially coming from the Milton house were we had, 3, yes 3 toilets for the 2 of us! Where I am going with this...
Well, Saturday morning I wake up to a running toilet and of course felt obligated to investigate... At first I assumed Nolan had just gone to the bathroom and it was still filling... No... come to find out that wasn't the case... somehow during the night the plastic end on the floater in the tank had broken!? You can see the green plastic screw in the picture, it was the yellow plastic that broke causing the running...
So of course, I turn the water off to the toilet, because there are very few things more annoying that a running toilet... since then we have been a one toilet house; a DOWN stairs one toilet house at that! haha This experience has brought us to the realization that a one toilet house, although it would work, won't be ideal! ;-)
Just because I have failed to mention them before some other features to have/not have:
From the Pensacola house, built in the 1900s and slightly updated:
12 inch tiles in the kitchen - very easy to clean!
LOTS of counter tops and cabinets
nice size laundry room with a toilet and shower
WOOD floors! :-)
Lots of windows
Wide molding around the doors and windows were cool
Screened porch!
(We LOVED this house, can't you tell!)
From the Milton house:
a dishwasher that works would be nice...
steep stairs are a no go
TWO sinks in the Master bath..
a garden tub as well!!! :-)
From the Corpus Christi house:
deep kitchen sink
So... what would you say are your MUST haves/would not want to have in your dream house, based on your experiences?
1 comment:
Non-"institution-style" tiles would be nice. A fence that doesn't blind me every time I look outside would also be nice. Really, it's the little things. :P
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